Valentines Loving Kindness


Love starts with yourself

by Elaine O’Rourke

May I live this day
compassionate of heart,

clear in word,
gracious in awareness,
courageous in thought,
generous in love.”

– John Donoghue

Happy Valentine’s Day. Besides being a “Hallmark” holiday, it is actually a wonderful reminder to hold yourself in the highest state of Love and Compassion. I LOVE this picture in Philadelphia when I was presenting at the UOAA conference. There were signs of love everywhere!

The more love you direct to yourself, the more love you can bestow on others. This I truly believe. But have you ever listened to how you talk to yourself at times and how hard you can be on yourself. It takes training to change how you think and feel. Yes it is hard but it is possible!

Every morning I lie in bed for a few minutes, thinking about how I want to feel throughout my day. I remind myself that I am love and to show up as the best person that I can be. When things are going smoothly this is much easier but when the shit is hitting the fan, then this is when the practice is needed even more! It is a practice but a really worthwhile one.

This Valentines Day, remind yourself that you are love.

Here is a simple breathing with intention exercise that you can start and end your day with:

1) For 5 deep inhales and exhales say:

    May I feel love, joy and compassion

2) Visualize someone you love/like/are close to and for 5 deep inhales and exhales say:

     May you feel love, joy and compassion

3) Visualize someone you are having difficulty with or dislike and for 5 deep inhales and exhales say:

     May you feel love, joy and compassion

4) For 5 deep inhales and exhales say:

    May everyone everywhere feel love, joy and compassion

Notice how you feel after each part, do you feel more relaxed, more at ease, more connected to yourself? Repeat as often as your lovely heart desires.